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Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Well I am sure you are all interested to know more about the hockey since that is the reason we are here. Last weekend the boys had their first P.R event at a local "Folk Music Festival", we were expecting something much different than what it was. Outdoor concert with 3 huge stages, guessing somewhat similar to Sasquatch Festival, or Cochella, but it was not "Folk Music". It was very hard rock music, some bands being like death metal. Everyone there had on black, and looked quite goth. We stuck out a little to say the least. Part of the P.R part of the event was the boys playing in a giant human size Fooze ball game.

 Giant "Fooze Ball" game
 One of the giant stages
We were VIP's

Towards the end of the concert Derek's coach and the goalie Adam, who reminds us a lot of Brandon, got on stage and played guitar with one of the bands. It was pretty fun and cool. There were photographers all over the place, we kinda feel like celebrities already. The coach said after the first game, everyone will start to recognize us, and come up to Derek on the street to ask questions etc. We've heard the fans here are crazy so we will soon see. The boys have their first game on Friday, against their farm team. Should be fun to see!!

 Some of the boys in the VIP tent
 Team Picture, girls handball team in the red
 Coach in tan, and most of English speaking boys
Ice Rink 

 The rink is quite old, lots of history!!
 Seats about 3,500 people

The team has lots of sponsors, and they have ads all over, including on their jerseys!

1 comment:

  1. Bonbon! I'm so glad I found your blog! I had been wondering how you guys were doing out there in Hungary. I actually have a really good friend here in my ward from Hungary - Szilvia Kovach-Kerbs. I'll have to show her your pictures, though I'm sure it will make her homesick. I'm so glad you're having fun out there! Keep up the posting!
