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Friday, January 3, 2014

Zane Timothy Ryan

Hey friends! So excited to announce the birth of our sweet little angel, Zane Timothy Ryan. He was born December 12, 2013 at 6:12 a.m. He was 7lbs 6 ounces, and 20 inches long. He has been such a huge blessing in our lives, and we are so excited for 2014.

 Look for lots more blogging to come your way this year too, and I have some exciting news to share. I am going to be starting my Etsy business in the Spring. Selling all kinds of fun baby clothing. Starting with hats, leggings, and headbands. Stay tuned for more information on when the shop will open.

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  1. He´s totally gorgeous! Love his cute outfit and I´m very looking forward to your new business! I love love love those hats and I have tons of leggings and headbands for my girl! xo Rebekka

    1. Rebekka!! Thanks so much for following, and thank you!! I love him soooo much! He's getting so dang big now!! Hope all is well!! xoxo Bonnie

  2. Hi Bonnie! I always love reading your posts, so I've nominated & tagged you for the Liebster award!
    The questions & rules are on my blog if your interested! xo

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